在法兰克福,一位年轻有才华的嘻哈制片人在与天际线唱片公司(Skyline Records)签约时,得到了一个千载难逢的机会。但是,当唱片公司老板的黑帮兄弟从流亡中归来, 并要求分得一杯羹的时候,音乐、集团犯罪和高收入世界发生了冲突。
6.0 雪花女孩第二季
5.0 过来人第二季
2021 欧美简介: The past catches up with us all. A brutal murder in Oslo with ties to 19th century England raises the question: Could Jack the Ripper have timeigrated to the present? Lars (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and Alfhildr (Krista Kosonen) soon realize that if they are to capture this killer, they can only trust each other. Beforeigners season 2 premieres December 5 on HBO Max. -
6.0 中情局律师第二季
1.0 神话任务第四季
9.0 玩命流氓
1.0 极乐凶间