作为"海军罪案调查处"的衍生剧,"海军罪案调查处: 洛杉矶"如今已独当一面。 刺激的爆炸场面,明与暗的较量是该剧的主要基调。角色之间相亲相爱充满笑料的对话也为剧情增添了一抹亮彩,甚至已超越剧情成了观众们最为津津乐道的部分。
7.0 失魂舍伍德第二季
4.0 弹子球游戏第二季
6.0 合理怀疑第二季
9.0 坏猴子
2024 美国简介:“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey. -
6.0 复古球衣先生
1.0 贝艾尔第三季