许多年前,亚特兰蒂斯女王(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和人类相知相恋,共同孕育了爱情的结晶——后来被陆地人称为海王的亚瑟·库瑞(杰森·莫玛 Jason Momoa 饰)。在成长的过程中,亚瑟接受海底导师维科(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)的严苛训练,时刻渴望去看望母亲,然而作为混血的私生子这却是奢望。与此同时,亚瑟的同母异父兄弟奥姆(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)成为亚特兰蒂斯的国王,他不满陆地人类对大海的荼毒与污染,遂谋划联合其他海底王国发动对陆地的全面战争。为了阻止他的野心,维科和奥姆的未婚妻湄拉(艾梅柏·希尔德 Amber Heard 饰)将亚瑟带到海底世界。
9.0 怒劫运钞车
2.0 血与油
2024 动作简介:Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences. -
7.0 必殺仕事人2023
3.0 世界大战:辐射
3.0 这个大侠有点怂
7.0 老手2